







游客586:对张军平 同行评审未来还会存在么?
2020-09-21 23:25
2020-09-24 16:34
游客953:对Sirine Taleb 有学者把学术界比作一个俱乐部,而同行评审“不过是一种把俱乐部那些非主流人士请出门口的做法”。以我所在的生物相关领域为例:达尔文主义的演化论被公认为客观真理,但是在“公认”的背后不乏批判性的文章,而这些文章通常不为主流的学术杂志所接纳。甚至对很多人来说,仅仅是表现出对达尔文的质疑态度就很可能给自己的学术生涯带来负面影响。老师们对此怎么看?
2020-09-20 13:26
Sirine Taleb:This is a challenging thing for sure; however, you already mentioned part of the answer which is “in some extreme cases”. Even if you agree or disagree with any theorem in your field and you write a paper justifying your opinion, peer reviewers should not take a decision based on their own thoughts. However, in such cases, you should be extra careful to clearly justify and prove your point of view so that you do not leave any room for guesses or personal opinions in your submitted work. 这无疑是一件具有挑战性的事情;但是,你已经提到了“在某些极端情况下”的部分答案。即使你同意或不同意你所在领域的任何定理,并且你写了一篇证明你的观点的论文,同行审稿人也不应该根据他们自己的想法做出决定。然而,在这种情况下,你应该特别小心清楚地证明和证明你的观点,这样你就不会在你提交的作品中留下任何猜测或个人意见的空间。
2020-09-24 16:34
游客321:对马军 如果您曾经是审稿人或期刊编辑,我想知道,如果我写的英文不够完美,您是否会对作者做出负面评价?
2020-09-22 15:20
2020-09-24 16:34
游客796:对Iratxe Puebla 为什么有的审稿人出言不逊? 他们不考虑作者感受吗?
2020-09-21 14:20
Iratxe Puebla:I think that only a minority of reviewers would consciously be rude in reviews, issues are usually related to differences of opinion on the tone or a language/culture barrier where the reviewer may not realize that a specific comment can be hurtful for an author when expressed in that manner. Reviewers rarely receive formal training so they may only use as a guide the reviews they received previously. There are now some review resources available that can be useful to help reviewers learn how to best frame reviews as they get started, for example, PLOS has a Peer Review Center with a number of resources: https://plos.org/resources/for-reviewers/ Reviews posted under transparent peer review models (where the review will be posted with the article if published) tend to be more balanced in tone and more constructive so that’s a model which can help address this concern. 我认为只有少数审稿人会有意识地发表粗鲁评论,分歧通常产生于语气、语言、文化屏障等,审稿人可能没有意识到自己的评论会在某种程度上伤害到作者。审稿人是很少接受正式培训的,所以他们可能用以前的经验为基准。现在有一些评审资源可以帮助审稿人学习如何作出好的评审,例如,PLOS有一个同行评审中心,它有很多资源:https://plos.org/resources/forreviewers/ 在透明的同行评审模式下发布的评审(如果发表了,评审将和文章一起发布)往往在语气上更平和、更有建设性,所以这个模式是可以帮助缓解这个问题的。
2020-09-24 16:34
游客998:对马军 如果您发表过论文,我想知道,您作为作者,第一次收到审稿意见,是怎样的感受?
2020-09-22 15:20
2020-09-24 16:33
游客233:对张军平 如果我实在不理解审稿人所说的话,该怎么办? 如果我要求解释或说我不明白,会显得我不够聪明吗?
2020-09-21 14:20
2020-09-24 16:33
游客671:对马军 对于同行评审,期刊编辑们有哪些新举措?
2020-09-22 15:23
2020-09-24 16:33
游客800:对Sirine Taleb 作者可以怎么避免同行评议的延迟,又为何会延迟?
2020-09-18 17:47
Sirine Taleb:There are many causes for the delay in the peer review process. Mainly, some editors do not give strict deadlines to their reviewers and allow for time extension. In addition, it might take some time to assign the paper to suitable reviewers and wait for them to accept it. I personally had one paper revision delayed for long to figure out later on that the editor of the journal was changed after I submitted my paper for revision and the new editor needed some time to receive his/her new tasks and get used to it. In regards to authors’ possible ways to avoid delays, the most important step to do is to read about the duration of the peer revision process at the intended journal before submission then follow up with the editor or the secretary to know the status of the paper and the expected time frame. 造成同行评审过程延迟的原因有很多。主要是,一些编辑没有给他们的审稿人严格的截止日期,允许时间的延长。此外,将论文分配给合适的审稿人并等待他们接受可能需要一些时间。我个人有一篇论文修改延迟了很长时间,后来才发现,在我提交论文修改后,期刊的编辑换了,新编辑需要一段时间来接受新的任务并适应。关于作者的可能的方法来避免延误,最重要的一步是了解同行修订过程的持续时间在预定的期刊提交然后编辑或秘书知道纸的状态和预期的时间框架。
2020-09-24 16:33
科学网编辑部:对吉久明 新浪微博网友@断了的弦-喔喔哦:有些审稿人的意见很有帮助,拒着拒着,就中了。
2020-09-24 15:34
2020-09-24 16:32
游客917:对马军 您曾经收到审稿人给的“差评”吗? 你是怎么处理的?
2020-09-22 15:21
2020-09-24 16:32

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