


lianke19:对赵斌 科研成果推广会是未来的趋势么?
2020-06-23 10:57
2020-06-23 15:08
科学网编辑部:对Shane Rydquist 新浪微博网友@Eagle冲:如何用大众可接受的方式对科研项目进行陈述?
2020-06-19 17:50
Shane Rydquist:First, make your research more visual. Second, explain your work in a more relatable manner. You need to make your work more visual because the general public will understand your work better through images and pictorial representation. The best way to do this is perhaps create an Infographic that represents your work in a better manner. But remember that no one is obliged to understand or learn about your work. So, you have to think about explaining it to them better. For example, if I told you I’ve discovered “a key factor in the ubiquitination pathway that shortens cycle for rice panicle dehiscence” would you really care unless you have some background on the topic? Perhaps not. But, if I said, I’ve discovered a way to “make an important crop like rice take less time to harvest.” Then, I’m sure you’d at least be interested in my work. Maybe one thing you can start doing is creating presentations that outline your research and try making those presentations in front of members of your family or friends. See, if they find it interesting. If they don’t, then ask them what would make your work more interesting to them, and use that advice to simplify your presentation.  首先,使您的研究更视觉化。其次,以更大众化的方式解释您的研究。您可以使作品更视觉化,大众能通过图像和图片更好地理解您的作品。最好的方法是创建一个信息图以更好地解说您的研究。但是请记住,没有人有义务完全了解您的研究,因此,您必须考虑对他们进行更好的解释。例如,如果我告诉您,我发现“泛素化途径中的一个关键因素会缩短水稻穗裂开裂的周期”,除非您对此主题有一定了解,否则您真的会关心吗?也许不会。但是,如果我说,我已经找到了一种方法,“可以使像水稻这样的重要农作物收获时间更少”。我确定您至少会对我的研究感兴趣。也许您可以开始做的一件事就是创建一份概述您研究的演讲稿,然后尝试在家人或朋友面前进行演示,看如果他们是否觉得有趣。如果不感兴趣,就了解如何能让他们对您的研究更感兴趣,并使用该建议简化您的演示。
2020-06-23 15:08
ecolxy:对赵斌 如何与科研大佬们建立科研或论文写作的良好合作关系?
2020-06-23 10:50
2020-06-23 15:08
科学网编辑部:对赵斌 微信用户@Haley:如何更加有效科学的做科学研究?在科学研究中怎么去发现问题?
2020-06-23 09:26
2020-06-23 15:07
科学网编辑部:对赵斌 微信用户@京畿客:如何快速寻找本领域能够创新的点
2020-06-23 09:25
2020-06-23 15:07
Wflying:对Shane Rydquist 作为一名在读工科博士,为了毕业有一种为了写论文而写的感觉,没有那种发现了新东西的快感,请问老师,面对这种情况,如何提升自己的科研幸福感?谢谢!
2020-06-19 11:18
Shane Rydquist:Yes, it is partially true that over the last decade or so producing a research paper has turned more into an administrative requirement than an academic one. The best way to perhaps cheer yourself is to think of how your work could benefit someone else. Scientific research and the discovery of new facts isn’t an effort that every member of society can undertake. Only a very select few gifted and more importantly determined individuals get the opportunity to push the boundaries of science and technology. Although it can be easy to lose perspective sometimes, remembering this is very very important. Your work is service to society, and you must never forget that.  Even if you are writing manuscripts for the “sake of it” that effort is still being documented somewhere and in the future, this sort of experience will help you get a better position as a researcher. So, honestly your work isn’t in vain. You need to start seeing it from a different perspective.  Finally, if your current area of research doesn’t interest you any longer, then please be honest with your supervisor and tactfully tell them the truth. At least, this will bring about some sort of change in your current scenario.  是的,可以这么说,在过去十年左右的时间里,撰写一份研究论文已逐渐变成一项行政要求,而不是一项学术要求。往正面想,您可以思考您的工作能如何使他人受益。科学研究和发现新事物并不是每个人都能做出的努力。只有极少数有天赋,更重要是有决心的人才有机会突破科学和技术的界限。尽管有时很容易忘记初衷,但记住这一点非常重要。您的工作是对社会的服务,您绝对不能忘记这一点。即使您只是因为“应该做”而写论文,但这仍在某个地方和为将来留下了记录,这种经验将帮助您获得更好的研究地位。因此,说实话,您的工作没有白费。您需要从另一个角度来看待它。最后,如果您对当前的研究领域不再感兴趣,那么请对您的主管诚实,并委婉地告诉他们事实。至少,这将对您当前的状况带来一些变化。
2020-06-23 15:07
科学网编辑部:对赵斌 微信用户@Yan:成果的宣传能够提高文章引用率吗?
2020-06-23 09:24
2020-06-23 15:07
科学网编辑部:对赵斌 微信用户@Yan:课题组的科研成果宣传,目前无法线下参加学术会议,该如何借助新媒体获得海外同行的关注?
2020-06-23 09:23
赵斌:以前我不敢说,但这次疫情之后,我们会发现,网上开会的效果其实也挺好的,甚至在某些时候比线下会议更好,我们需要改变的是曾经的习惯,拥抱新技术,新途径。 如果你乐意,可以关注我的B站“生态学时空”https://space.bilibili.com/386005990;我还有一个微信公众号,与科学网和B站同名,也叫“生态学时空”,都是不定期更新。
2020-06-23 15:07
cyangsx:对赵斌 在国内可以用哪些社交媒体平台推广呢?国外有FACEBOOK , TWITTER YOUTUBE等,可这些平台在国内都是不能用的。所以中国的科研人员 应该怎样让自己的成果走向世界或者在国内科研圈中广为人知?
2020-06-23 09:22
赵斌:现在大家用微信公众号做科普效果也不错,年轻人在快手和Bilibili做视频也有很好的推广效果呀。如果你乐意,还可以用抖音短视频来做,抖音也走向全世界了。未来是我们创造的,我们努力做了,就创造了未来。 如果你乐意,可以关注我的B站“生态学时空”https://space.bilibili.com/386005990;我还有一个微信公众号,与科学网和B站同名,也叫“生态学时空”,都是不定期更新。
2020-06-23 15:06
科学网编辑部:对John Pegum 微信用户@Yan:课题组的科研成果宣传,目前无法线下参加学术会议,该如何借助新媒体获得海外同行的关注?
2020-06-23 09:23
John Pegum:You’re right; with the global lockdown restrictions still in place and most, if not all, scholarly (and non-scholarly) events cancelled, we are all learning to collaborate and communicate online at a much increased pace. Social media is, and has been for some time, a great tool to share our news and updates. You can always find groups within various social media channels which share and spread news related to your subject area and focus. These can be great ready-made communities with which to share Lay Summaries, Research News Stories or Video Abstracts which encapsulate and explain your research. They can do the job of promoting you and your research that you would do in person at conferences or meetings while events are on hold. Wiley Editing Services can help to create the sorts of resources that you can share: https://wileyeditingservices.com/cn/article-promotion/ 全球各地的封锁措施仍未解除,多数学术圈内外的会议都取消,我们也在加快适应线上的合作和沟通。社交媒体已成为分享新闻和消息的绝佳平台,要找到与你课题相关的在线群组也不是难事,你可以在上面分享简明摘要,科研新闻故事,视频摘要等内容,以阐释你的研究。线下活动取消,这些内容可以完成原先面对面会议才能做到的事情。 Wiley Editing Services可以帮助创建各种资源:https://wileyeditingservices.com/cn/article-promotion/
2020-06-23 15:06

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