


guoyueyue:对赵斌 今年特殊的情况,大家都在直播平台上参与学术会议,少了见面交流,这样是不是会多少影响会议的意义,希望这段时间早点过去,大家更多的参与交流
2020-06-23 15:51
2020-06-23 15:56
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@无为所想:考研人员可以通过什么方法来进行来创造科研特色,形成良好的宣传呢?
2020-06-23 14:13
2020-06-23 15:54
科学网编辑部:对Elodie Chabrol 新浪微博网友@爱的浩劫:如何平衡科普需要简洁吸引关注和科学需要严谨慎重下结论?
2020-06-23 13:44
Elodie Chabrol:To share your science with the public you need to be simple, it means you have to remove all the details that are not essential. But it doesn’t mean you will not be true. It’s often the mistake we do as scientists, we think that simple means false but you can be really simple and very true. You can also explain the cautiousness to the public. For example, “during my PhD i’ve observed that phenomenon but it was on animal’s brains and it’s possible that a human brain wouldn’t work the same (and explain the differences)” 与公众分享你的科学,你需要做到尽可能简单。这意味着你必须删除所有不必要的细节。但这么做并不意味着你不真实。这是我们作为科学家经常犯的错误,我们认为简单意味着错误,但两者其实是可以兼顾的。 你也可以向公众解释这种谨慎。例如“在我的博士期间,我观察到这种现象,但它是在动物的大脑上,而人类的大脑可能不会像动物一样工作(并解释差异)。”
2020-06-23 15:52
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@潘十四儿:会议论文要写到多好呢?写的太好觉得有点浪费,毕竟它只是会议不是期刊论文,写的不好的话,又需要在同行面前展示自己的成果,担心给领域内的前辈留下不好的印象。
2020-06-23 14:12
2020-06-23 15:51
科学网编辑部:对Shane Rydquist 新浪微博网友@英语学习积极分子:如何更好开展科研合作?
2020-06-22 09:56
Shane Rydquist:The best way to do this is to first network with other researchers at events such as conferences or poster presentations. If you find someone’s work interesting, then commend them on their excellent research efforts and talk to them about what your interests are. You can also email the corresponding author from a study that interests you, to discuss the methodology - to start the conversation. Remember that if your collaboration with another researcher is official, ensure that the nature of the collaboration is clearly documented in a “memorandum of understanding” that includes duties, intellectual property rights, and so on. And don’t hold back – share what you know and you’ll learn more. 最好的方法是首先在会议或海报展示等活动中与其他研究人员建立联系。 如果您发现某人的研究有趣,请赞扬他们出色的研究工作,并与他们讨论您的兴趣所在。 您也可以通过您感兴趣的研究向相应的作者发送电子邮件,讨论方法论-开始对话。 请记住,如果您与其他研究人员的合作是官方的,请确保在“MOU”中清楚记录合作性质,其中包括职责,知识产权等。 而且不要退缩–分享您的知识,您会学到更多。
2020-06-23 15:50
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@潘十四儿:早期自己的研究方向是导师定下的,研究了2年以后发现局限于现有的技术,理论成果很难投入实际生产,不知道自己研究的意义在哪里,现在应该继续自己原来的研究方向呢,还是应该换一个更有工程意义的方向?
2020-06-23 14:12
2020-06-23 15:49
科学网编辑部:对Elodie Chabrol 新浪微博网友@温言莞尔Cathy:如何运用社交媒体来收集科研数据?怎么保证该数据的准确性?
2020-06-23 14:21
Elodie Chabrol:You can use social media to discover new articles or preprints or to discuss with scientists (the safer). It really depends on scientists but discussing with them on how they obtained the data is good and as usual, use your skeptic mind to check the data, like you would do for any paper. 你可以使用社交媒体来发现新的文章或预印本,或者与科学家讨论(更安全)。关于数据准确性,这是因人而异的,但与他们讨论他们是如何获得数据本身是件好事,和往常一样,用你的怀疑心来检查数据,就像对待论文一样。
2020-06-23 15:49
科学网编辑部:对Danny Ward 新浪微博网友@爱的浩劫:如何平衡科普需要简洁吸引关注和科学需要严谨慎重下结论?
2020-06-23 13:44
Danny Ward:I find that effective communication of science is all about knowing your audience and targeting your content accordingly. The balance will change depending on your particular audience and their expertise-level. For more general audiences, many of the complexities and fine details are often not essential. For high-expertise audiences such as practicing research scientists in your field, then they would come to expect more of the scientific details with appropriate scientific conclusions. It may be best to first try to find out the type of audience you will be sharing your research with and then adjusting your content based on their expertise and interest level. 我发现,科学的有效传播需要了解你的受众,并据此定位你的内容。这种平衡会根据你的特定受众和他们的专业水平而改变。对于更一般的读者,许多复杂的和详细的细节往往不是必需的。对于高专业水平的听众,比如在你的领域从事研究的科学家,他们会期待更多的科学细节和适当的科学结论。最好先找出你要与之分享研究的受众类型,然后根据他们的专业知识和兴趣水平调整你的内容。
2020-06-23 15:49
科学网编辑部:对Pei Qin Sabrina 新浪微博网友@Eagle冲:如何用大众可接受的方式对科研项目进行陈述?
2020-06-19 17:50
Pei Qin Sabrina:This is indeed challenging as most of the projects are highly specialised and there are lots of jargons associated with it. In fact, it takes us PhDs years to even get to the level of understanding that we are at now in our own field. Communicating science to audience and experts of different backgrounds can be nerve wrecking. My recommendation is always think from an audience perspective: what do you wish to learn from a researcher? What is the fun bit of your work? Why is it important? These few questions help to centre the core of your presentation. To help make it easily accessible to my audience, I would ask the question: if I have to explain it to an undergraduate is it too difficult to understand? What if I explain this to a group of researchers of a different field, would they understand? Or if I try explaining it to my parents, will they get the importance of my work? Doing this fact-check while preparing for your presentation helps getting your key messages of your work out there to the broader audience. One thing I really enjoy about talking about my research in seminars and conferences is when people actually came up to me and say they understood my work despite they are in a completely different field. Best yet when they could reiterate what they have understood from your talk and they can see the importance of your work. The satisfaction is indescribable. 这确实是一个挑战,因为大多数项目都是高度专业化的,并且有许多与之相关的术语。事实上,我们博士们甚至要花好几年的时间才能达到我们在自己领域的理解水平。与不同背景的观众和专家交流科学知识可能会让人感觉发困难。我的建议是始终从受众的角度思考:你希望从研究者那里学到什么?你工作中最有趣的部分是什么?它为什么重要? 这几个问题有助于你演讲的核心。为了让我的听众更容易理解它,我会问这样一个问题:如果我必须向一个本科生解释它会不会太难理解?如果我向一群不同领域的研究人员解释这个,他们会理解吗?或者如果我试着向父母解释,他们会明白我工作的重要性吗? 在准备陈述的时候进行这些核查,可以帮助你将工作的关键信息传达给更广泛的听众。我在研讨会和会议上谈论我的研究,我最开心的是,当人们走过来对我说,他们理解我的工作,尽管他们在一个完全不同的领域。更惊喜的是当他们能重申他们从你的演讲中理解的东西,并能看到你工作的重要性。那种满足感是难以形容的。
2020-06-23 15:48
fjwangyanyan:对薛宇 当前年轻科研群体在国际媒体宣传自己的科研发现是值得鼓励和投入大量时间的吗?如果说服导师转型,结束新媒体应该以什么出发点?
2020-06-23 14:07
2020-06-23 15:47

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