


科学网编辑部:对Pei Qin Sabrina 微信用户@Yan:课题组的科研成果宣传,目前无法线下参加学术会议,该如何借助新媒体获得海外同行的关注?
2020-06-23 09:23
Pei Qin Sabrina:I actively integrate with the general public and researchers via my blog “The Dataminer’s Diary” and my twitter account. I find that online presence does help promote your work and your research interest, especially times like this where most conferences are going virtual. Almost certainly your digital presence would help to promote your work as most people whom I have met were interested to directly chat with the person who works on the interesting work from the papers they have read. This gives research a human touch too, and I think this aspect is very important as we need to remind people that scientists, as logical as we are, are humans too.我通过我的博客“The Dataminer’s Diary”和我的twitter积极地与公众和研究人员互动。我发现,在网上出现确实有助于促进你的工作和你的研究兴趣。当下,大多数会议都是虚拟的。几乎可以肯定的是,你的线上活动将有助于推广你的工作。我遇到许多人都有兴趣直接与论文的作者聊天。这也给了研究一种人情味,我认为这一点很重要,因为我们需要提醒人们,科学家和我们一样有逻辑,也是人。
2020-06-23 16:11
shenlanxia:对Elodie Chabrol 发了一篇影响因子不高的论文,不好意思推广怎么办?
2020-06-23 15:39
Elodie Chabrol:Yes every research is worth promoting, even the failed projects that never ended up in papers. It’s important to show to the public how science works and part of science is failure. Science communication is more than just promoting a paper, it’s showing the science process, the humans behind it as well. It’s important to show that science is not happening like we see in movies. It takes time and it’s not always successful. 是的,每一项研究都值得推广,即使是那些没有发表论文的失败项目。向公众展示科学是如何运作是很重要的,失败也是科学的一部分。科学传播不仅仅是推广一篇论文,它还展示了整个科学过程,以及背后研究科学的人类。重要的是要证明科学的发生并不像我们在电影中看到的那样。这需要时间,而且并不总是成功的。
2020-06-23 16:09
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@莎莎乐莎乐Salome:您认为多久进行一次科研交流活动是具有实效性的呢?
2020-06-23 14:16
2020-06-23 16:07
chenweixian19:对Elodie Chabrol 各位老师, 你们认为现在之所以很多科研机构和人员越来越重视科研传播主要的原因是什么吗?是科研人员的社会责任吗?
2020-06-23 15:23
Elodie Chabrol:I think institutions realised how important science communication is now. We live in a information period where you can get a lot of information on everything and we need good science communication to be done. Also most of the researchers are paid by public money, so yes there is definitely a social responsibility for the researchers. We need to start discussing with society and share our work. I honestly think science communication will continue to grow and the best is to start doing it now and try to find a way you will enjoy. 我认为机构现在已经意识到科学传播的重要性。我们生活在一个信息时代,你可以得到很多关于任何事情的信息,我们需要好的科学传播来完成。而且,大多数研究人员都是由公共资金资助的,所以,研究人员绝对有社会责任。我们需要开始与社会讨论,分享我们的工作。 我真的认为科学传播将会继续增长,最好现在就开始做,并尝试找到一种你会喜欢的方式。
2020-06-23 16:07
科学网编辑部:对Danny Ward 新浪微博网友@达---叔:要把论文,推广给更多的人需要什么方法,有专业平台不 
2020-06-23 16:02
Danny Ward:I use a variety of platforms. To reach a global audience, social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and ResearchGate are popular choices. Professional blogs or websites are also effective sharing methods as well. Local social media and websites for sharing your work domestically may also be a good strategy for research paper promotion. For example, the use of Sina Weibo may be an effective choice. 我使用各种平台。为了吸引全球受众,Twitter、LinkedIn和ResearchGate等社交媒体平台是很受欢迎的选择。专业的博客或网站也是有效的分享方法。本地的社交媒体和网站分享你在国内的工作,也可能是一个很好的推广研究论文的策略。例如,使用新浪微博可能是一个有效的选择。
2020-06-23 16:06
科学网编辑部:对Pei Qin Sabrina 微信用户@Chris:论文收录后期刊封面有必要弄吗?封面往往需要找专业人员设计,加上出版费,算下来费用通常都比较贵,有时间还不一定被编辑选上。封面对于论文成果推广作用明显吗?
2020-06-23 09:22
Pei Qin Sabrina:I would recommend channelling your focus on writing a good paper. Then a good cover image can then help propel your amazing work. As designing takes up a significant amount of time (I spend a lot of time designing slides, images, graphical abstracts, posters etc), having a good research story to begin with helps with better designs and certainly increase the chance of both your paper and the cover image gets accepted.我建议把注意力集中在论文上。一个好的封面形象可以帮助推动你的工作。设计需要花费大量的时间(我花了很多时间设计幻灯片、图片、图形摘要、海报等),有一个好的研究故事作为开始有助于更好的设计,当然也增加了你的论文和封面图片被接受的机会。
2020-06-23 16:06
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@莎乐莎乐Salome:如何保证科研传播的效率呢?(比如paper可能没有很高的阅读量或者交流活动没有很多人报名参加)
2020-06-23 14:15
2020-06-23 16:04
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@莎乐莎乐Salome:在如今科研环境竞争激烈,您认为媒体应如何配合打压学术不端?
2020-06-23 14:15
2020-06-23 16:03
科学网编辑部:对Shane Rydquist 微信用户@Yan:课题组的科研成果宣传,目前无法线下参加学术会议,该如何借助新媒体获得海外同行的关注?
2020-06-23 09:23
Shane Rydquist:Now that most offline events are cancelled, most societies and publishers are moving to online platforms to host their events. Most of them dictate how they’d like to receive things like abstracts or posters for virtual conferences. If you want to promote your research independently, however, then I would suggest converting you studies into easy-to-understand microshareables – short posters, infographics, banners, etc. Or, maybe even enlist the help of an agency that can help you convert your research into something impactful and visual. Once you have collateral like this made, it becomes very easy to share it online, on any social media platform, or even professional online forums to share your research. 现在,大多数线下活动都已取消,因此大多数社群和出版社都在转向在线平台来举办活动。 他们中的大多数人决定了他们想如何接收虚拟会议的摘要或海报之类的东西。 但是,如果您想独立地推广研究,那么我建议您将研究成果转换为易于理解的微型共享内容-简短的海报,图表,横幅等。或者,甚至可以寻求可以帮助您进行转化的中介机构的帮助您将研究转为更有影响力和视觉效果的内容。 一旦有了这样的产出,就可以很容易地在任何社交媒体平台上甚至在专业的在线论坛上在线共享以分享您的研究成果。
2020-06-23 16:03
科学网编辑部:对Pei Qin Sabrina 新浪微博网友@英语学习积极分子:如何更好开展科研合作?
2020-06-22 09:56
Pei Qin Sabrina:I have collaborated with different research groups from different countries during the course of my PhD. I would certainly say this is a very interesting experience as I soon realise different groups have different working styles and culture. Time zone is a another challenging factor too. To facilitate communication between collaborators, I find that it is important to touch base regularly (ie. once every two weeks) to update your research progress and make sure everyone is on track or report any delays due to unforeseen circumstances. These help to consolidate trust between you and your collaborators.在攻读博士期间,我曾与不同国家的不同研究小组合作。我当然会说这是一个非常有趣的经历,因为我很快意识到不同的团队有不同的工作风格和文化。时区也是一个具有挑战性的因素。为了促进合作者之间的沟通,我发现定期的联系是很重要的。每两周一次)更新你的研究进展,确保每个人都在正轨上,或报告任何因不可预见的情况而造成的延误。这些有助于巩固你和你的合作者之间的信任。
2020-06-23 16:03

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