


chenweixian19:对Pei Qin Sabrina 各位老师, 对于怎么撰写自己的学术简历, 有什么好的建议吗?如何能更能引起别人的重视?
2020-06-23 16:13
Pei Qin Sabrina:I would tailor it to the person or organisation that you are sending it to. Tell them what do you have to offer to make their team/organisation achieve their goals, whether it is industry or research. 我会按照不同的对象的需求调整简历,你能为实现他们的目标贡献什么(无论是在商业领域还是科研领域)。
2020-06-24 15:52
科学网编辑部:对Pei Qin Sabrina 新浪微博网友@ABCtianyuan0123发了一篇影响因子不高的论文,不好意思推广怎么办?
2020-06-23 15:21
Pei Qin Sabrina:I believe good science is represented by more than just impact factor. Impact factor should be seen as a reference, but not an absolute benchmark of good science. It is important to evaluate the science itself when reading papers regardless of the impact factor or journal that it is published in. There are many reasons why some science didn’t end up in high impact papers ie. scooping of research projects due to competition. That does not mean the work is anything less just because it got scooped and published in a lower impact factor journal. I would say, let the readers judge how good your work is. If your work is good, people recognise it for the quality and effort. :) 好的科学研究,不单单是由影响因子决定的,它只是个参考,并不一把绝对的尺子。我们在看一篇论文时,也应该抛开期刊的影响因子。论文没在高影响因子上发表有很多原因,比如:被人抢先发表。因此,这并不意味着研究不重要 —— 一切让读者去评说。只要足够好,一定会得到认可。
2020-06-24 15:28
科学网编辑部:对Shane Rydquist 新浪微博网友@ TheReal陈思:传播效率要怎么去保证
2020-06-23 16:02
Shane Rydquist:A great way to measure impact of your promotional activities is to constantly monitor the Altmetric score 衡量推广影响力的一个好方法是不断监控Altmetric分数
2020-06-24 15:18
科学网编辑部:对Shane Rydquist 新浪微博网友@ Summer的回忆小马甲:交流活动的时效性是怎样的呢?
2020-06-23 16:01
Shane Rydquist:I would say anywhere between when the embargo ends on the publisher’s side to a couple of months after the paper is published is suitable for any sort of research promotion activities. Anything beyond 2 months make the news “stale” and news outlets tend not cover it. 我认为从延后公开期(Embargo period)结束到论文发表后的几个月之间的任何时间,都适合进行任何形式的研究推广活动。 只要超过2个月就可能会使新闻“过时”,而新闻媒体往往不愿意报道。
2020-06-24 15:17
Wenjunzhang668:对Pei Qin Sabrina 为了推广自己,学术会议是否多多益善?如何精准选择?今年这个形式下不能参加学术会议又该怎么办
2020-06-23 15:10
Pei Qin Sabrina:It depends who you are trying to promote yourself to. Are you looking for a phD/postdoc position? Or are you a senior PI looking for collaboration? Or are you trying to know more peers who are working in the same field as you. If it’s “Yes” to the above, then conference is a good place to start. But if you are aiming to share your work to the general public, other platforms should be sought for this purpose. This pandemic has resulted in the postponing of a lot of scientific meetings. However, some meetings were transitioned to a virtual version and this greatly increases the amount of delegates participating in the meeting. I would suggest look out for the meetings you have been interested in attending and see if they have made them online this year. I have met some really great connections over the two online international conferences which I have attended (virtually) this year.这个得具体看:你是否想读博(或博后)?目前已经是资深 PI,想寻求合作?想认识更多同行?如果是,参加会议的确是一种很好的方式。如果你的目的是向大众分享你的工作,你可以看看其他的平台。新冠疫情让许多会议延迟了,但同时又有一些会议搬到线上了,与会人数也增加了。你可以看看这些会议,我自己在这些会议上的确结识了一些朋友。
2020-06-24 15:11
科学网编辑部:对Pei Qin Sabrina 新浪微博网友@老大说我叫展昭:过度的宣传自己的品牌会不会反而给大家留下不好的印象?
2020-06-23 14:25
Pei Qin Sabrina:In my opinion, anything too much is never great. Hence, before I write or post anything for the purpose of scientific communication, I will always question myself the purpose of the communication and the impact I wish to achieve/positive messages or lessons from it. Always keep a balance - whether it is research or science communication, as good science communication can only be achieved if the underlying science is good itself. 我觉得,凡事“过犹不及”。所以,我在写科学传播文章的时候,都会问自己:传播的目的是什么?会达到怎样的影响力?能学到什么?无论是写论文还是写传播类文章,都讲究平衡。只有当研究本身优质,写出来的传播文章才可能优质。
2020-06-24 15:03
guoyueyue:对Shane Rydquist 今年特殊的情况,大家都在直播平台上参与学术会议,少了见面交流,这样是不是会多少影响会议的意义,希望这段时间早点过去,大家更多的参与交流
2020-06-23 15:51
Shane Rydquist:Not quite, in fact, this year, I feel academic conferences are prepared for the fact that people will not attend these events physically. They are therefore offering a variety of options that allow researchers to promote their work virtually. Details of this will be available on the specific websites for conferences. In my opinion, the buzz around academic conferences have increased this year, because people are more eager than ever to interact with one another, even if it is a virtual interaction. 不会的,实际上,我感到今年的学术会议已经做好准备,因为人们无法亲自参加这些活动,因此他们提供了多种选择,使研究人员可以虚拟地推广他们的研究,详细信息会在学术会议的网站上提供。 我认为,今年学术会议的热度将有所增加,因为人们比以往任何时候都更加渴望彼此互动,即使这是虚拟互动。
2020-06-24 15:02
lilijuan:对Shane Rydquist 自己那点成就整天想着宣传的话,别人会不会觉得太张扬了,如果的是大的研究成果还好。
2020-06-23 15:27
Shane Rydquist:Yes, in terms of scale, the effort to promote a large scientific research result should be greater than promoting a smaller more contained study. For example, whoever discovers a successful vaccine for COVID-19 will have to talk about and perhaps promote it for many years to come. Through presentations, talks at conferences, animated videos, maybe even a documentary about the discovery process. A much smaller study might just be limited to doing one press release about the findings accompanied by say a video that explains the key findings to a general audience. 就规模而言,促进大型科学研究成果的努力应大于促进规模较小的研究。 例如,无论谁成功发明了COVID-19疫苗,都将对其持续谈论或推广许多年,可能通过演示,会议演讲,动画视频,甚至可能是有关发现过程的纪录片。 一项规模较小的研究可能仅限于发布有关发现的新闻稿,并附有一段视频,向一般观众解释关键发现。
2020-06-24 15:02
chenweixian19:对Shane Rydquist 各位老师, 你们认为现在之所以很多科研机构和人员越来越重视科研传播主要的原因是什么吗?是科研人员的社会责任吗?
2020-06-23 15:23
Shane Rydquist:I think the reasons that there’s a greater focus on science communication now than ever before is because getting funding is not as straightforward as it used to be. Government funding bodies are now less likely to just allocate funds to institutes based on just their reputations. Funding agencies want to more proactively see what impact someone’s research has on society. There is an entire framework for this in the UK (https://www.ref.ac.uk/). And similar models are coming up elsewhere around the world as well. Moreover, yes, if the research is funded by taxpayer money, then it does become the social responsibility of the researcher to report these findings in a manner that the public will understand. 我认为现在比以往任何时候都更加重视科学传播的原因是因为获得资金并不像从前那样简单。 现在,政府资助机构不太可能仅根据其声誉就将资金分配给机构。 资助机构希望更积极地了解某人的研究对社会产生的影响。 在英国(https://www.ref.ac.uk/),有一个完整的框架。 类似的模型也在世界其他地方出现。 而且,是的,如果研究是由纳税人的钱资助的,那么以公众会理解的方式报告这些发现确实成为研究者的社会责任。
2020-06-24 15:01
shenlanxia:对Shane Rydquist 发了一篇影响因子不高的论文,不好意思推广怎么办?
2020-06-23 15:39
Shane Rydquist:Yes, if your research is path breaking and if you believe it might get cited a lot in the next decade or so, then certainly go ahead and promote it. Even Nobel Laureates have had trouble publishing their work in high impact journals initially because journals often have their own challenges in terms of identifying the topical manuscript for a particular volume or issue. 如果您的研究取得了开创性的进展,并且您认为该研究可能在未来十年左右得到广泛引用,那么可以肯定地继续进行下去并加以推广。 即使是诺贝尔奖获得者,起初在高影响力期刊上发表论文也遇到过麻烦,因为期刊在判定特定主题的文稿时也常遇到困难。
2020-06-24 15:01
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