







游客586:对Iratxe Puebla 同行评审未来还会存在么?
2020-09-21 23:25
Iratxe Puebla:Peer review will continue to exist as it is just an structured format for scholar exchanges that regularly take place among researchers, and which were taking place even before journals (or our current peer review) existed. Researchers discuss their work and seek feedback from collaborators, at conferences, from the public, to a certain degree these are all forms of peer review. 同行评审将继续存在,因为它是科研人员之间定期进行的学术交流的一种形式,甚至在期刊之前它就存在。科研人员讨论他们的研究成果和发现,从合作者、学术会议上寻求反馈,在某种程度上,这些都是同行评审。 If we think about journal peer review specifically, I think that what we’ll see is more peer review taking place before or in parallel to the journal process, for example, via interactions and feedback on preprints, and further innovation in peer review at journals to make it more consistent and scalable (via introduction of new tools and automation), more inclusive (better representation of junior researchers and across gender and countries in review participation), and more transparent, we are asking researchers to make their science more open, should we not do the same with peer review, which is after all a form of scholarship? 如果我们具体思考一下期刊的同行评审,我认为我们将看到更多的同行评审发生在期刊投稿之前或同时进行。例如,通过对初稿的交流和反馈,和进一步创新期刊同行评审,使其更具一致性和可扩展性,且更具包容性,以及更透明,我们要求研究人员使其科研成果更加开放,同行评审毕竟是一种学术形式,我们不应该这样做吗?
2020-09-24 17:04
科学网编辑部: 部分嘉宾回答的问题还在翻译中,会陆续发送出来。最后再次感谢张军平老师、马军老师、Bahar Mehmani老师、Iratxe Puebla老师、吉久明老师、Sirine Taleb老师和Sneha Kulkarni老师的积极回复与指导!
2020-09-24 17:04
游客737:对Iratxe Puebla 很多时候,审稿人说“语言不正确或英语需要改进”。我一直不太理解这类意见的真正含义,听起来非常笼统。审稿人为什么有这样的评价?我应该如何解读?
2020-09-22 15:20
Iratxe Puebla:They probably mean that there are some inaccuracies in the language, this can be either because they feel that the language may be impeding their assessment (major revisions to language needed) or because they spotted a few language issues and they raise it to help the authors strengthen their paper (these may be minor issues but can make the paper look a bit sloppy if they make it to the final article). 可能表示语言存在一些不准确,也可能是因为他们认为该语言表述可能会妨碍他们的评估(需要对语言进行重大修改),或者是因为他们发现了一些语言问题,并提出来帮助作者加强他们的论文质量(这些可能是小问题,但会使论文看起来有些草率)。 Some reviewers will provide advice on language edits but many may just note that language revisions are needed without doing this themselves, while I appreciate it can be frustrating for authors to receive a generic statement, I think this is understandable that reviewers stop at that sometimes because reviewers are approached for an assessment of the research content and not language, and it is also possible that the reviewer is not the best person to help with language edits (due to expertise, time availability etc). 一些审稿人会提供有关语言编辑的建议,但是许多审稿人可能会指出,无需自己进行语言修订。我很能理解当作者收到一份泛泛的意见的感受,但是审稿人之所以停下来,是因为 审稿人要评估的是研究内容而不是语言,而且审稿人也不是进行语言编辑的最佳人选(由于专业知识,时间有限等)。
2020-09-24 17:03
游客321:对Iratxe Puebla 如果您曾经是审稿人或期刊编辑,我想知道,如果我写的英文不够完美,您是否会对作者做出负面评价?
2020-09-22 15:20
Iratxe Puebla:I worked as an editor for a number of years - I also want to disclose that I am not a native English speaker. While I was an editor, the approach to considering language in manuscripts was that the language must be such that it allows the scientific content to be adequately and fully assessed, if there were any concerns that the quality of the written English would affect the evaluation, we would then recommend that the author spolish the work. I appreciate the challenges faced by those authors from countries where English is not the first language, we should be mindful of this and support those authors, at the same time, the review process involves an in-depth evaluation of the paper so we need to find the balance between allowing the research to be evaluated and acknowledging the written language may not always be perfect but if the science can be assessed that’s fine. The parts of the paper that I would strongly recommend are given attention for language are title and abstract because 1) they are used to invite reviewers and 2) they are used for indexing so good language in title and abstract can really help the discoverability of your paper. 我做了好几年的编辑——我还想说我的母语不是英语。作为编辑时,我对稿件语言问题的看法是,语言必须能使内容得到充分、全面的评估,如果英语质量影响到了对内容评估,那我们将建议作者去做润色。我很欣赏那些非母语国度的作者,他们应该得到关注和支持。与此同时,论文的评审过程中我们需要找到一个平衡点,就是认识到书面语言可能未必完美,但如果不影响评估那就没关系。论文的部分,我强烈推荐关注语言标题和摘要,因为 1)它们将被用于邀请审稿人 2)它们将被用于索引,好的标题和摘要可以提高你论文的可发现性。
2020-09-24 17:03
科学网编辑部: 感谢各位嘉宾和网友参与本次ScienceTalks-你真的了解同行评审么?的主题讨论,本次讨论到此结束。大家可以继续关注ScienceTalks后期的讨论话题并参与。本次参与网友大家可以登录 editage.cn,上传稿件,选择“科学深度编辑”服务,添加优惠代码 TALK85,尊享 ScienceTalks 专属 8.5 折优惠!
2020-09-24 17:01
科学网编辑部:对马军 新浪微博网友@鸭鸭也太难了:根据期刊需求,不同的期刊采用的同行评审方式各有不同,有单盲、双盲、开放同行评审等形式。
2020-09-24 16:14
2020-09-24 16:58
马军: 同行评审是一种义务,我们经常遇到一些审稿人不搭理编辑部的审稿邀请,或者应答了却不按照规定的时间提交审稿意见。一些审稿人提交的意见非常敷衍,简单甚至很粗暴,这样的审稿意见实际上是无效的。 另一方面,作者投稿前要认真阅读目标期刊的最新论文,最好按照期刊模板来准备稿件。不要搞并列第一作者,不要搞并列通讯作者,不要在修改环节变更作者,也不要在稿件录用后变更和追加作者,这都是欺骗和不端行为。也不要在稿件里挂3个以上的国家自然科学基金号码,这也是一种欺骗行为。一个稿件挂多个NSFC号码,要么是你的团队被基金委重复资助,要么是你把不相干的基金号码挂上来交差,这也是欺骗基金委,也是学术不端行为。
2020-09-24 16:58
游客255:对吉久明 如果审稿人速度慢,催促,会导致拒稿的可能上升么?什么时候可以催,如何催比较好?
2020-09-24 16:47
2020-09-24 16:57
游客730:对吉久明 同一个研究已发表过一篇文章,病例数增加后,研究方法和结论都不变,可以再次发表么?
2020-09-24 16:14
2020-09-24 16:56
游客255:对张军平 如果审稿人速度慢,催促,会导致拒稿的可能上升么?什么时候可以催,如何催比较好?
2020-09-24 16:47
2020-09-24 16:55
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