


科学网编辑部:对Shane Rydquist 微信用户@Junior Luo:现在中国国内许多高校在招聘教学人员或科研人员时要求他们在学习阶段发表顶级期刊或者高被引文章,这样做可以更好地为自己的研究树立“品牌”吗?
2020-06-23 15:27
Shane Rydquist:Colleges and Universities often have these requirements because having good, highly-cited research amongst faculty is a great way to boost global and national rankings. And, currently it is the only way for them to establish themselves as a hub for research. This impetus from the institute also needs to be there in terms of providing the best infrastructure and other relevant support to the staff to conduct path-breaking work. 高校通常有这些要求,因为聘请优秀的,学术成果被高度引用的教职员工是提高学校在全球和全国排名的好方法。 而且,目前这是他们确立自己作为研究中心的唯一途径。 该机构还应为员工提供良好的基础设施和其他相关方面支持,以利于员工进行突破性发展的研究。
2020-06-24 15:00
Wenjunzhang668:对Shane Rydquist 为了推广自己,学术会议是否多多益善?如何精准选择?今年这个形式下不能参加学术会议又该怎么办
2020-06-23 15:10
Shane Rydquist:Yes, academic meetings or conferences can certainly benefit you more in case you intend to personally network with thought leaders in your field of research. To choose which conference to go to, I would recommend going through the directory on this website: https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/ Importantly, this year, I feel academic conferences are prepared for the fact that people will not attend these events physically. They are therefore offering a variety of options that allow researchers to promote their work virtually. Details of this will be available on the specific websites. 是的,如果您打算与研究领域的思想领袖进行私人交流,那么学术会议或研讨会当然可以为您带来更多好处。 要选择参加哪个会议,我建议您浏览以下网站上的目录:https:// www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/重要的是,今年,我感到学术会议已经为人们无法线下参加这些活动做好准备,因。 因此,他们提供了多种选择,使研究人员可以虚拟地推广他们的研究。 有关详细信息,请访问该网站。
2020-06-24 14:56
chensisi:对John Pegum 酒香不怕巷子深啊,埋头科研其实也是挺好的,未必搞的那么高调,不知道各位老师觉得这个观点对不对
2020-06-23 16:22
John Pegum:Ideally, we’d like to think that the most important and meaningful research will always rise to the top and get the attention it deserves without any intervention. There are, however, countless examples through history of this not being the case! Of course, quality and relevance will always be recognised for what it is but there’s no harm in using the tools that are available to us to give some momentum to that discovery. We should be aware of the channels and methods that people are looking to within our research community to find out about new and significant work. Using those channels appropriately and with consideration is an important aspect of the role of the author. There are lots of ways of promoting your research meaningfully and you can find out more of them in the Wiley Promotion Guide here: https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/Promotion/promotional-toolkit.html 理想状态下,优质研究“自带流量”,但事实并非总是如此。研究质量好,相关度高,固然容易得到认可,但如果有外力助推,会锦上添花。我们应当留意,如今的科研人通过何种渠道获悉新的重要研究。恰当、谨慎地使用这些渠道也是作者工作的一部分。
2020-06-24 14:49
科学网编辑部:对John Pegum 新浪微博网友@Vividzm:请问很多老师通过制作动画来宣传自己的成果,请问这种模式在树立自己的科研品牌上效果如何呢?
2020-06-23 16:45
John Pegum:Using visual tools to synthesise and explain your research - so that both a lay audience may be able to more easily understand and a scientific audience can evaluate the relevance of your work to their field - is, as you say, becoming a more popular and impactful way of disseminating the news of your paper’s availability. On Wiley Online Library, we’re able to quantify that articles which feature a Video Abstract, for instance, garner more than 400% higher Altmetric scores and over 100% more full text views than similar papers without Video Abstracts. On top of that, Video Abstracts allow you to be in control of the sharing and promotion of your paper. Wiley Editing Services can help create Video Abstracts, Research News Stories, Infographics and other resources that can be shared via the channels of your choice. https://wileyeditingservices.com/cn/article-promotion/ 用可视化工具来整合并总结你的研究,让大众能看懂你的研究,同行也可以快速评估你研究的相关性。使用可视化工具越来越流行,也让你的研究更有影响力。在 Wiley Online Library,我们发现,配有视频摘要的文章,相比同类文章,Altmetric 指数要高 400%, 全文阅读量高 100%。使用视频摘要,让你对论文的推广更有把握。
2020-06-24 14:45
Zhulihe1949:对Danny Ward 各位老师常关注的公众号或者网站论坛有哪些呢,除了及其专业的垂直的,大众化一点的科研学术的有哪些,可以推荐下么,或者有哪些接受个人投稿的
2020-06-23 16:31
Danny Ward:There are many popular science accounts online. A good place to start may be on a platform like Twitter. There is a Twitter account which shares the posts of many scientists from around the world called “AcademicChatter” which I follow. This may be a good place to start to discover many new and popular scientists online. On Twitter and other platforms, some users have created threads or discussions of their favourite accounts. If you search and find these, they can be a very useful way of learning about interesting social media accounts to follow. 网上有很多科普账户。像Twitter这样的平台是一个很好的开始。有一个名为“AcademicChatter”的Twitter账户,分享世界各地许多科学家的帖子,我关注了这个账户。这可能是一个开始在网上发现许多新的和受欢迎的科学家的好地方。在Twitter和其他平台上,一些用户创建了他们最喜欢的账户的线程或讨论。如果你搜索并发现了这些,它们可以成为了解有趣的社交媒体账户的一个非常有用的方式。
2020-06-23 17:06
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@x3b337:推广论文到底要花费多少钱才行 
2020-06-23 16:56
2020-06-23 17:06
科学网编辑部:对薛宇 新浪微博网友@Vividzm:请问很多老师通过制作动画来宣传自己的成果,请问这种模式在树立自己的科研品牌上效果如何呢?
2020-06-23 16:45
2020-06-23 17:06
chensisi:对Danny Ward 酒香不怕巷子深啊,埋头科研其实也是挺好的,未必搞的那么高调,不知道各位老师觉得这个观点对不对
2020-06-23 16:22
Danny Ward:It is sometimes true that a piece of high quality work will attract attention naturally. Sometimes however, it may not. There is a lot of content online and sometimes great science or posts may go unnoticed which is a shame. This is why many scientists now feel that promotion of scientific work and developing a brand is important to make sure their work is noticed. It is sometimes considered risky to leave things up to chance. 有时候,一件高质量的作品自然会引起人们的注意,这是真的。然而,有时却不一定。网上有很多内容,有时伟大的科学或帖子可能会被忽视,这是一个耻辱。这就是为什么现在许多科学家认为,推动科学工作和发展一个品牌对于确保他们的工作被注意很重要。有时人们认为让事情听天由命是有风险的。
2020-06-23 17:06
Zhulihe1949:对薛宇 各位老师常关注的公众号或者网站论坛有哪些呢,除了及其专业的垂直的,大众化一点的科研学术的有哪些,可以推荐下么,或者有哪些接受个人投稿的
2020-06-23 16:31
2020-06-23 17:05
Lutiantian:对Danny Ward 除了发布正规刊物,个人公号,这个现在自我的推广是不是最有效的方法,但现在粉丝增长真的很难,各位老师有什么建议么
2020-06-23 16:13
Danny Ward:Growing follower numbers takes time and consistency. Don’t dwell on the numbers too much as it can sometimes be a distraction. By posting good content and science that you think others will find interesting, other people will follow you in time. There are a few techniques to help boost people finding you on social media. Using hashtags or words that people can easily search for. Adding links, pictures or video to your posts to make them more eye-catching. Engaging with other users on social media by responding or interacting with their posts. These can all make the online community more aware of your presence on social media. If they like your content, they may follow you to see more. 增加追随者数量需要时间和一致性。不要过多地纠结于数字,因为它有时会分散你的注意力。通过发布你认为其他人会感兴趣的好的内容和科学,其他人会及时关注你。 这里有一些技巧可以帮助人们在社交媒体上找到你。使用人们可以轻松搜索的标签或单词。在你的帖子中添加链接、图片或视频,让它们更吸引眼球。通过回应或互动在社交媒体上与其他用户互动。这些都可以让在线社区更了解你在社交媒体上的存在。如果他们喜欢你的内容,他们可能会跟随你看更多。
2020-06-23 17:05
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